Winter Celebration Party Success

For many years the friends have held a winter party during the period of the pool closure, originally by invitation to a friend’s house but more recently at Hobbs Pavilion on Parker’s Piece.

These events were enjoyed by all but last winter there was no event so this year, with Covid continuing, we decided to get together socially at the lido.

After our morning swims (for some!) tables were set up and were soon full of food to share, warm mulled wine was served and the café was open for hot drinks.

The sun came out and we all enjoyed the opportunity for a friendly chat with old and new friends – over 50 people attending.

As with New Year’s Day, the interest and attendance at the event goes to prove how worthwhile the winter opening of the lido has been.

Thanks to Better & their staff for their help and support. Thanks to Antony & Will for the pictures & Richard forthe write up
