Better Booking System changes

Twitter version of the booking system changes

Over the next few days, we will be changing our booking system. You may experience some difficulties with booking until this change has been completed on the 1st of December. After the change, you may be required to reset your password before you are able to book online or on the App.

If you are having any issues after the 1st of December, please contact us at or visit reception when we are open.

Email version of the booking system changes

Hi All,

I wanted to let you know that overnight tonight we will be changing over our front of house (and App) booking system. This is to come in line with the rest of Cambridge who changed over in June this year. We have left it as late as possible and obviously, it was going to be closed but now we are keeping it going we have to make this change.

This will mean that after 8pm tonight the system will go offline and it will be down until around 12pm tomorrow when it will then come back live.

The same App icon is still valid so no need to download the App again – it will just look slightly different when you go to book.

Bookings are essentially all the same though and the way you book is very similar (you are still booking an entry timeslot for example)

When you then go into your App once it comes back live you should receive a pop up asking you to reset your password (please make a note of the requirement for capital letters, numbers and special characters as these have to be included in your new password).

Once you have created a new password you will be logged in and good to go again.

One thing I do need to make you aware of is if you have a Better Booking membership (it will say this on your membership card icon) then you will need to register for a new account once the system is up and live as these are essentially non-member accounts that do not transfer with the new system. Anyone who has a pay & play or a prepaid membership will be transferred across.

If you have any issues or know of people having issues then the below e-mails can be given to help them (these are Parkside people as they have been using it for months whereas the Jesus Green staff will be new to it):

George Pemberton (Assistant Manager) –

Dominic Dunklin (Duty Manager) –

Kind regards
Daryl Emes
