New Winter Opening Times

After a fantastic uptake in cold water swimming at Jesus Green Lido over the Autumn period, Better has confirmed the following operating hours will take effect from 1st November 2021:

 Monday 7am-11am & 4pm-7pm

Tuesday 7 am-11 am

Wednesday Closed

Thursday 7am-11am & 4pm-7pm

Friday Closed

Saturday Closed

Sunday 7am-4pm

 Your membership will remain live throughout the winter months which allows these extended hours to be possible. Plus, if the water does become a little chilly as the winter months draw in, don’t forget selected membership also includes access to over 150 swimming pools across the UK which includes local indoor pools in Cambridge at Parkside Pools & Gym and Abbey Leisure Complex. Please check with a Better member of the team to find out which pools you have access to.

 The Friends of Jesus Green Lido Committee would like to thank Better, the Council and all of our loyal swimmers for their support.  We look forward to seeing you through the winter as well as the summer and autumn months!
