Sally Goble swims at Jesus Green

Sally Goble has done an excellent post on her Postcards From The Pool blog where she visits the outdoor pools at Woodhall Spa, Bourne, Peterborough, Jesus Green, Letchworth & Hitchin for a 1km swim in each on her return to London, This is what she says about Jesus Green Pool

“Cambridge is my next stop, to Jesus Green Lido. As I walk through the turnstiles, eager to swim, I notice a sign with a lot of rules: no petting, no smoking, no drinking, no photos, no changing on the poolside. Surely this is a place of enjoyment and relaxation? Unheated, narrow, and a spectacular 91m (100 yards) long, it’s like swimming down a long, blue, road — a thing that only happens in my dreams. I pause before I jump in to remind my brain that the water might be chillier than I’ve experienced today. It’s deliciously cool and welcome. A relief in fact. I set off for the other end of the pool, in the far distance, dodging leaves. I watch the world as I swim: lifeguards cleaning and painting and fooling about; a sauna; a few older men sunbathing, their backs pressed against the warm timber walls of the changing rooms; a woman reading a book. My 11 lengths done, I need to press on. As I pack up, a regular tells me breathelessly about her pool and her love for it, and we smile and talk about the delight of swimming knowing exactly how one another feels.”

The whole article is worth a read.
